Music at Peace


Peace Choir and Baylor Singing Seniors at Celebrate Advent


The Peace Lutheran Mixed Choir is open to men and women from high school age and up. Being able to read music is very helpful but is not required.  We will teach the basics.  The choir sings a variety of music from unison to four part choral music.  An effort is made to select music that is singable with various tempos, styles, and accompaniments.  There are also opportunities for solos and small ensembles.

The Peace Choir goal is to sing for church services twice a month from September through May.  We also perform for the major church holidays such as Christmas Eve, Palm Sunday, and Easter.  One of our biggest events is our "Celebrate Advent" annual event which occurs on the first Sunday of Advent.

Another music option is the Bells of Peace handbell choir whose goal is to praise God through music in worship services at Peace Lutheran Church. We rings 3 octaves of handbells and handchimes and try to perform about once a month. Our rehearsals are on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 in the church balcony. You don’t need to be able to read music to ring with us as we color code our music. We welcome anyone who would like to give ringing a try. The more ringers we have, the easier it is to prepare a piece to play.

Come and join us while we "Make a Joyful Noise!"


For more information please contact Becky Ritz at for questions about choir or Laurie Maurer at for handbell questions. 


Celebrate Advent Processional


More Information

View the Handbells page and events and the choir pages and events from the link below.  In order to view all the disucssion and some of the group pages, you will need to create an account and log in.

Handbell Choir

The handbell choir rings 3 octaves of Malmark handbells and 3 octaves of Schulmerich melody chimes. We rehearse on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. We try to ring in a service about once a month.


This is the message center for members of Peace Choir. Our hope is that we will be able to make this the "Go To" center for information concerning practice, music sections and performance. It can also be used by choir members to "discuss" various events and to list prayer concerns for this small group.

Why Sing

  1. Singing any type of music releases endorphins, hormones produced by the central nervous system.  These hormones interact with opiate receptors in the brain diminishing pain and triggering an almost analgesic feeling in the body.
  2. Singing releases dopamine, a chemical that works to help regulate the brain’s pleasure and reward centers.
  3. Singing has been found to release serotonin, a neurotransmitter found mainly in the digestive tract that helps regulate our moods, social behaviors, and appetite.
  4. Music, either singing or listening, can lower cortisol levels.
  5. Dr. Huron’s research postulates that singing may increase prolactin production which helps regulate the immune system.
  6. Musical memories engage broader neural pathways than other types of memories. That is why hearing an old or favorite song can flood one with very specific emotions and visual cues.
  7. Doctors have now found that singers have more circuit connections between the right and left sides of their brains than non-singers.

See full text and credits here.
